Voice Your Vote

Virginian Calls Voting Rights Bill a 'War Measure', Chicago Tribune1965 March 30Johnson Publishing Company Clippings File Collection

Virginian Calls Voting Rights Bill a ‘War Measure’

Virginian Calls Voting Rights Bill a ‘War Measure’ 2560 2189 GLAMdev2020
Will Vote-Right Fight Be Appomattox All Over Again, Robert L. Riggs, circa 1965, Johnson Publishing Company Clippings File Collection

Will Vote-Right Fight Be Appomattox All Over Again

Will Vote-Right Fight Be Appomattox All Over Again 2560 2195 GLAMdev2020
President and Congress: Shaping Voting Bill, The New York Times1965 March 21Johnson Publishing Company Clippings File Collection

President and Congress: Shaping Voting Bill

President and Congress: Shaping Voting Bill 1371 2560 GLAMdev2020
President Signs Voting-Rights Bill, Chicago Sun-Times1965 August 7Johnson Publishing Company Clippings File Collection

President Signs Voting-Rights Bill

President Signs Voting-Rights Bill 2052 2560 GLAMdev2020
Stop Police Brutalitycirca 1963Political Posters Collection

Stop Police Brutality

Stop Police Brutality 2560 1687 GLAMdev2020


Mississippi 2013 2560 GLAMdev2020
Homage to Medgar Evers, Osborn, Robert Chesley, 1968, Clark Atlanta University Art Museum

Homage to Medgar Evers

Homage to Medgar Evers 1780 2400 Sarah Tanner
The Student Voice, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)1962 OctoberSNCC Vertical File

The Student Voice, Vol 3. No. 3

The Student Voice, Vol 3. No. 3 1975 2560 GLAMdev2020
U.S. Orders Vote Examiners Into 3 Dixie States, Chicago Sun-Times1965 August 10Johnson Publishing Company Clippings File Collection

U.S. Orders Vote Examiners Into 3 Dixie States

U.S. Orders Vote Examiners Into 3 Dixie States 2560 1826 GLAMdev2020
Milestone, St. Louis Post-Dispatchcirca 1960Johnson Publishing Company Clippings File Collection

Milestone, St. Louis Dispatch clipping

Milestone, St. Louis Dispatch clipping 2297 2560 GLAMdev2020
Your Future Could Be Up in the Air, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)circa 1978 Voter Education Project organizational records

Your Future Could Be Up in the Air

Your Future Could Be Up in the Air 1993 2560 GLAMdev2020
You're Not Fully a Citizen, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)undated Voter Education Project organizational records

You’re Not Fully a Citizen

You’re Not Fully a Citizen 1727 2560 GLAMdev2020
You've Got to USE It!, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)circa 1970 Voter Education Project organizational records

You’ve Got to USE It!

You’ve Got to USE It! 2035 2560 GLAMdev2020
The Women's Vote Project, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)circa 1984 Voter Education Project organizational records

The Women’s Vote Project

The Women’s Vote Project 1660 2560 GLAMdev2020
This Is No Time to Strike Out!, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)undated Voter Education Project organizational records

This Is No Time to Strike Out!

This Is No Time to Strike Out! 1932 2560 GLAMdev2020
This is a symbol of defeat, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)undated Voter Education Project organizational records

This is a symbol of defeat

This is a symbol of defeat 1965 2560 GLAMdev2020
Selma Poster, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)circa 1960 Voter Education Project organizational records

Selma Poster

Selma Poster 1980 2560 GLAMdev2020
Operation Big Vote poster, National Coalition on Black Voter Participation (U.S.)|Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)circa 1980s Voter Education Project organizational records

Operation Big Vote poster

Operation Big Vote poster 1824 2560 GLAMdev2020
Keep Wolves From Your Door mockup, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)undated Voter Education Project organizational records

Keep Wolves From Your Door mockup

Keep Wolves From Your Door mockup 2560 1966 GLAMdev2020
If Not For You, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)undated Voter Education Project organizational records

If Not For You

If Not For You 1672 2560 GLAMdev2020
Hand That Drops the Ballot, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council)undated Voter Education Project organizational records

Hand That Drops the Ballot

Hand That Drops the Ballot 1906 2560 GLAMdev2020
Don't Act Like a Goat, Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council), circa 1970, Voter Education Project organizational records

Don’t Act Like a Goat

Don’t Act Like a Goat 2014 2560 GLAMdev2020
John Lewis and Julian Bond speak to group about voting rights,August, 1971, Allen, Archie E.

John Lewis and Julian Bond speak to group about voting rights

John Lewis and Julian Bond speak to group about voting rights 2560 2322 GLAMdev2020
Black Candidates Southern Campaign Experiences, Julian Bond, 1940-2015,1969 May,Vivian W. Henderson papers

Black Candidates Southern Campaign Experiences

Black Candidates Southern Campaign Experiences 1734 2560 GLAMdev2020