Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library Permanent Art Collection

Acensions, Kevin Sipp, 1991


Acensions 710 1028 GLAMdev2020
Spirit Rituals, Kevin Sipp, 1991

Spirit Rituals

Spirit Rituals 864 1155 GLAMdev2020
Travelogue, Kevin Sipp, 2001


Travelogue 787 976 GLAMdev2020
Intertweened, Kevin Hamilton, 1991


Intertweened 795 874 GLAMdev2020
Ogun, Daniel Minter, 1991


Ogun 760 938 GLAMdev2020
John Coltrane: A Love Supreme, Ronald Young, 2010

John Coltrane: A Love Supreme

John Coltrane: A Love Supreme 1044 784 GLAMdev2020
Heaven and Earth, Louis Delsarte, 1993

Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth 1090 849 GLAMdev2020
Seeking Softer Light, Shirley Woodson, 1994

Seeking Softer Light

Seeking Softer Light 1057 821 GLAMdev2020
Untitled (Diptych), Dante Yarbrough, 2010

Untitled (Diptych)

Untitled (Diptych) 739 1105 GLAMdev2020
Campus Life, Dante Yarbrough, 2012

Campus Life

Campus Life 1072 800 GLAMdev2020
Quietude, Eric Waters, 2009


Quietude 864 863 GLAMdev2020
Quitescent, Eric Waters, 2009


Quitescent 1091 757 GLAMdev2020
Saguro Intrusion, Larry Walker, 2001

Saguro Intrusion

Saguro Intrusion 755 1076 GLAMdev2020
Triptech, Eric Waters, 2009


Triptech 1195 749 GLAMdev2020
Crimson Eulogy, Eric Waters, 2010

Crimson Eulogy

Crimson Eulogy 737 940 GLAMdev2020
Solitude, Eric Waters, 2009


Solitude 693 871 GLAMdev2020
W.E.B. DuBois Bust, Alexander Portnoff, 1938

W.E.B. DuBois Bust

W.E.B. DuBois Bust 659 1090 GLAMdev2020
Save the Children, Jonathan Romain, 2011

Save the Children

Save the Children 818 873 GLAMdev2020
Hope for Haiti, Ross Knight, 2010

Hope for Haiti

Hope for Haiti 1074 753 GLAMdev2020
Energy, Joy Peters, 2014


Energy 804 809 GLAMdev2020
The Family, Charles Parks, 1980

The Family

The Family 545 1108 GLAMdev2020
Earwings, Richard Hunt, 1970


Earwings 737 1091 GLAMdev2020
Ritual, Gwen Knight, 1987


Ritual 976 816 GLAMdev2020
Beauty in the Face of Destruction, Ross Knight, 2010

Beauty in the Face of Destruction

Beauty in the Face of Destruction 792 1095 GLAMdev2020