Creator: Dr. A. Pierre
Course Title: Spelman – African Diaspora and the World 112
Assignment Description:
For this assignment, students will produce a brief audio narrative. The audio is intended to be a narrative in which the student conveys their individual reaction to an exhibit and a particular work within the exhibit. The reading/analysis of the art must be their own and should not rely on another’s interpretation (including fellow students and online sources).
The following should be included in your audio:
- The date and time of the visit(s) and a brief description of the atmosphere of the museum.
- The title and a brief description of the work of the selected art work.
- The reason(s) the student was drawn to this particular work of art.
- The student’s response to the work (i.e., the ideas, images, thoughts, and feelings the work of art evokes, etc.)
- Students should be specific with their content and remember that “liking” or “not liking,” without any further explanation as to why or why not, are not sufficient responses.
- Content that reflects creative and critical thinking in some way.
Think of the important role of the griot in the epic of Sundiata and how (oral) performance can bring ideas and concepts to life. Pay attention to your pacing, tone, and delivery.
Models of audios can be heard at: StoryCorp:; Radio Diaries:; NPR:
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
⚬ Gain experience in analysis and interpretation of art exhibits.
⚬ Gain experience in ashé viewing methodology.
⚬ Gain experience in writing and producing effective oral narrative.
Preparation for Assignment
⚬ Consult with staff at CAU or Spelman museums
⚬ Audio narrative in MP3 format, three (3) minutes in length
Recommended Artwork/Archival Collections:
⚬ Check with Clark Atlanta University Art Museum or Spelman College Museum of Fine Art for current exhibits