On February 28th, GLAM, in partnership with the Atlanta University Center Collective for the Study of Art History and Curatorial Studies, held its first faculty training workshop of the spring semester: Teaching With Objects Across Disciplines. Following a viewing of current exhibitions at the Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, Lowery Stokes Sims, Ph.D., former curator at the Metropolitan Museum of New York and former executive director of the Studio Museum of Harlem, led a lively discussion on curricular engagement with museum objects. Sims discussed the practices of basket weaving and pottery throughout the African diaspora and the ways discussion of these kinds of material objects can be adapted for a variety of subjects.

Lowery Stokes Sims discussing teaching with objects to GLAM Faculty Fellows, RWWL librarians and AUC students
Make sure not to miss our next workshop on March 18th, Teaching with Exhibitions, being held in the Archives Research Center at the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library.

Faculty Fellows touring Spelman’s current exhibit before the workshop