Like many institutions, the Atlanta University Center (AUC) Robert W. Woodruff Library has been spending time digitizing archival resources and scholarly publications in order to increase online access to our resources. This month, the GLAM Center for Collaborative Teaching and Learning’s faculty workshop focused on how to navigate and access these newly digitized AUC collections and our institutional repository. Led by Christine Wiseman, head of AUC Woodruff’s Digital Services Department (DSD), faculty and staff learned about the resources and services DSD provides and how to navigate AUC Woodruff’s online repository, hosted on Digital Commons.

Digital Service Department head Christine Wiseman speaking about AUC Woodruff Library’s institutional repository.
In addition to hosting digitized archival materials (including audio and video recordings), Digital Commons also hosts research authored by AUC faculty, staff, and students in addition to digital humanities projects. Currently AUC’s institutional repository hosts 35 digitized archival collections and over 13,000 other publicly accessible items, with over 270,000 downloads recorded this year. The Digital Services Department also hosts several open access journals published by AUC institutions, including Spelman’s Continuum, Morehouse’s Challenge, Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center, and CAU’s Endarch. DSD staff is more than happy to work with you on hosting your content in AUC Woodruff’s institutional repository.

AUC faculty and library staff learn about Digital Commons.
New to AUC Woodruff’s Digital Commons repository is “Our Story: Photographs and Publications of the Atlanta University Center”. With funding from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), “Our Story” is the result of a two and a half year collaboration between the AUC Woodruff Library, the Spelman College Archives, and the Digital Library of Georgia. The goal of the collaboration was to broaden access to unique publications, periodicals, theses, dissertations and photographs that document the history of the various institutions which make up the Atlanta University Center. You can find out more about “Our Story” in the webinar, “Revealing Hidden Collections: The Our Story Digitization Project at the Atlanta University Center”.